Ecommerce quick wins to increase UX and £££’s

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Time-sensitive, impatience and demanding – three phrases that are becoming more and more common in discussions surrounding our continually evolving media behaviours and habits.

And for the bad news – all three are increasing!

Ensuring traffic, new users percentages, and the number of returning customers will always be important benchmarks to measure success.

But what about when users are actually landing on the website? More so now than ever, it’s important to review, optimise and measure on-site user metrics to ensure a website is working as hard as it possibly can – converting users to paying customers.

Here are three areas to consider when aligning website performance with user expectations.

1. Nav, nav, nav

Ease of access to your product and collection pages is key!

Endless click-throughs to collection pages, followed by category pages, followed by product pages; or drop-down menu, after drop-down menu, after drop-down menu, is a tedious journey that no one has time for.

Recommendation: Mega-menu navigation, and/or filtering mechanics provide users with quick access routes and immediate entry points to product pages they would typically sit deep within the website architecture.

2. Product PLUS people

Product is of course key and should always be front and centre, but in-situ photography with product PLUS people, creates an experience that feels relatable and familiar.

The added use of vivid colours will also help to inject life and energy into what can sometimes be described as a typcially sterile product page.

3. Lose the emotional attachment

Possibly more suited to the artisan and craft brands of today, who have a story to tell (whether that be product or brand) and a point of difference that defines their proposition. But an understanding of when, and importantly where, to flex their story is vital to ensure the website still supports a smooth and effortless buying journey.

That’s not to say a brand story isn’t of any value, but adding subtle hints and indications to a brand’s purpose throughout the WHOLE user journey, across ALL touchpoints (PR, social, newsletters, website, etc.) is the key to success.


When reviewing website importance it’s important to never lose sight of the user’s needs, wants, and expectations. There is of course more to it, but to put it simply, for an e-commerce, this is usually a smooth, effortless buying experience.

Continually optimising navigation, considering product visuals and understanding when to push and when to pullback on brand storytelling, will help brands to meet the user expectations of today.

Words by Ryan Forrester

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